provides a comprehensive registry of software and databases, facilitating researchers from across the spectrum of biological and biomedical science to find, understand, utilise and cite the resources they need in their day-to-day work.
Everything from simple command-line tools and online services, through to databases and complex, multi-functional analysis workflows is included. Resources are described in a rigorous semantics and syntax, providing end-users with the convenience of concise, consistent and therefore comparable information.
Each entry is assigned a human-readable, unique identifier based on the resource name, e.g. biotools:signalp. These identifiers provide a persistent reference to our "Tool Cards" of essential information, as well as a means to trace resources and integrate data with other resources.
All the data and technical components are available under open license and we warmly welcome you to get involved. development is supported by ELIXIR - the European infrastructure for life science information.
The registry should help the efficient discovery and use of tools and thus provide a useful support for life science projects. It should be checked but many specialized tools are missing particulatly for microbes.