ProteomeHD is a database of protein abundance changes in response to biological perturbations. It is a data matrix for functional proteomics: proteins that are up- or downregulated to a similar extent under the same biological conditions probably have related cellular functions.
ProteomeHD differs from other drafts of the human proteome in that it does not catalogue the proteome of specific tissues or subcellular compartments. Instead, ProteomeHD catalogues the transitions between different proteome states, i.e. changes in protein abundance or localization resulting from cellular perturbations. HD, or high-definition, refers to two aspects of the dataset. First, quantitation accuracy: all experiments are quantified using SILAC (stable isotope labelling by amino acids in cell culture). Second, HD refers to the number of observations ("pixels") available for each protein. As more perturbations are analysed, regulatory patterns become more refined and can be compared more accurately.
This service allows the user to submit their email and wait for the service to finish later. Results are given as a PDF document which contains a graph of plotted Random Forrest scores with the Query protein scores highlighted.