Softberry, Inc. is a leading developer of software tools for genomic research focused on computational methods of high throughput biomedical data analysis, including software to support next generation sequencing technologies, transcriptome analysis (with RNASeq data), SNP detection and selection of disease specific SNP subsets. Its research-oriented programs have been used in thousand research projects. For example, fgenesh eukaryotic gene identification program is cited in more than 3000 articles, bprom, bacterial promoter prediction is cited in ~700 research papers. Just in 2015 our software applications have been used in more then 2000 research publications.
Hundreds software applications developed in Softberry can be executed on-line at or downloaded for free academic usage. Softberry started its commercial activities on May 1997 and is headquartered in Mount Kisco, NY, USA, with a satellite office in Novosibirsk, Russia. It participated in a number of academic collaborations on various research projects around the world.
See following web address for lists of publications (via a topical list of tool use, by topic or by program):