Select the Retrieve/ID mapping tab of the toolbar and enter or upload a list of identifiers (or gene names) to do one of the following:
• Retrieve the corresponding UniProt entries to download them or work with them on this website.
• Convert identifiers which are of a different type to UniProt identifiers or vice versa, and download the identifier lists.
Very usuful tool when you want to swap IDs from a database to another. Many different databases are included, including NCBI and patricdb.
When you want to map "bxxxx" numbers for E. coli K12 , choose From "gene name" to "UniprotKb" and choose organism Escherichia coli (strain K12) (ECOLI) [83333]. Otherwise it does not work.
Have a list of identifiers ready and organized in column. Copy and paste them in the input section. Select the database it come from and the database identifier you want. Enjoy your results.